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Proceedings of the Colored People's Educational Convention held in Jefferson City, Missouri, January , 1870.


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Proceedings of the Colored People's Educational Convention held in Jefferson City, Missouri, January , 1870.


Pamphlet (35 p. ; 23 cm.)









of the

Colored People's

Educational Convention,

Held in

Jefferson City, Missouri,

January, 1870.

St. Louis: Missouri Democrat Book and Job Printing House 1870.


By virtue of a widely disseminated call for a Mass Convention of the friends of the educational advancement of the people of color of the State of Missouri, representatives from various counties, as hereinafter stated, assembled in the Baptist church, in Jefferson City, on the forenoon of Wednesday, January 19, 1870.

The Assembly was called to order by Rev. Moses Dickson, of Carondelet, and, on his motion, Robert W. Stokes, of New Madrid, was elected temporary Chairman. On assuming the chair, he addressed the Assembly as follows:

"Order is Heaven's first law.”

Gentlemen of the Convention :

Called by your suffrages to the temporary exercise of the highest ministerial function within your gift, I gratefully accept this mark of your confidence; but I do so with exceeding fear and trembling, because of the meagre sum of ability I can bring, in my inexperience, to the discharge of the duties you have thus devolved upon me. In view of the solemn importance of the purpose for which you are met; in consideration of the high consequences that may become the outgrowth of your consociate action, I cannot seek too forcibly to impress upon your attention the imperative necessity that exists for the exercise of a rigid scrutiny of the plans of action that may be presented to you for your approval, and for the exhibition of that true statemanship—scarcely less than prescient—that has, as its distinguishing characteristic, the ability to select and adapt the best procurable means to the best attainable ends.

You are called upon to perform deeds scarcely less than legislative; deeds defensive of the rights, and immediately conducive to the interests of the State of Missouri, through a beneficent line of



action to a class of her citizens, which must, in the nature of things, redound to the well-being of every unit of this great commonwealth.

If, gentlemen, in the prosecution of the labors upon which you are entering, you need encouragement, I beg you will allow me to point you to the example presented by His Excellency, Governor McClurg, who, upon each recurring Sabbath, as Superintendent of a school for colored children, labors assiduously to show unto them a more excellent way.” In this particular regard, I think I hazard nothing in assuming that Missouri leads the van.

And now, fellow citizens of the Convention, allow me to urge that, within the lines that have fallen to you by the law of circumstances, you will do your endeavor in aiding in developing the tremendous possibilities of our common humanity, by the adoption of a truly catholic line of action, knowing neither North nor South, neither East nor West, but believing in the perpetuity of American constitutional liberty, based upon the intelligence of the citizens, and recognizing and loving the great American family,

"Distinct, like the billows,

Yet one, as the sea.”

Rev. J. Madison made the opening prayer.

On motion of J. Milton Turner, of Boonville, I. N. Triplett, of Macon county, was elected temporary Secretary.

Considerable discussion ensued as to whether the sessions of the Convention should be held in the Baptist church, Lincoln Institute, or Market Hall.

On motion, the Convention adjourned to re-assemble in Lincoln Institute.

The preliminary session met as per adjournment, R. W. Stokes in the chair.

The Chairman appointed the following Committee on Credentials: S. S. Woodson, W. P. Brooks, Emanuel Cartwright, St. Louis county; Thomas Morton, Macon county; John A. Fouchee, Cooper county.

On motion, the following gentlemen addressed the meeting while the committee were maturing their report: James Madison, P. Lair, D. S. Sawyer.



The Committee on Credentials reported that they found a large number present without proper credentials, yet of whose qualifications and fitness they were well satisfied, and asked that a Committee on Enrollment be appointed to enroll the names of all delegates who appeared to be, in their judgment, entitled to seats in the Convention, with their respective townships and counties.

On motion, the committee was appointed as follows: J. T. Smith, Moses Dickson, P. G. Wells, St. Louis county; Thomas Morton, Macon county; James Madison, Lafayette county.

The Committee on Enrollment submitted their report as follows, which, on motion, was adopted:


Emanuel Cartwright, St. Louis, St. Louis county. Napoleon Morris, Kirkwood, " " E. S. Woodson, St. Louis, " " Preston G. Wells, St. Louis, " " W. P. Brooks, 806 North 7th street, St. Louis, St. Louis county. C. H. Tandy, St. Louis, St. Louis county. Richard Ricketts, Hannibal, Marion " Wm. Martin, New Eureka, St. Louis " Moses Dickinson, Carondelet, " " G. W. Gaines, Washington, Franklin county. W. R. Anderson, Troy, Lincoln " Burrell Nelson, Marthasville, Warren " James Madison, Lexington, Lafayette " J. H. Washington, Fulton, Callaway " John W. Haygood, Lexington, Lafayette county. John Bruce, Brunswick, Chariton county. J. H. Rector, Springfield, Greene " P. Lair, " " " Lewis Fisher, Columbia, Boone " Irwin Smith, " " " L. P. White, Independence, Jackson " George Howard, New Madrid, New Madrid county. R. W. Stokes, " " " William Hopkins, " " " George Terrell, Roanoke, Howard county. J. Fletcher Jordan, Glasgow, Howard " Thomas Moohr, Macon, Macon " Reuben Barbour, " " " I. N. Triplett, " " " S. P. Anderson, 1418 Gay street, St. Louis, St. Louis county. Mitchell Hill, " " " J. Milton Turner, Boonville, Cooper county. Henry Brown, Marshall, Saline "



Daniel Sawyers, Chillicothe, Livingston county. John A. Fouchee, Boonville, Cooper " Matthew S. Parks, Jefferson City, Cole " W. H. Payne, " " " R. B. Foster, " " " John Love, " " " John Jeffries " " " Robert Abbington, Cape Girardeau, Cape Girardeau county. O. H. Webb, Hannibal, Marion county. Benjamin Bamer, Jefferson City, Cole county. Reuben Jackson, " " " " G. W. Dupee, Jefferson City, Cole county. Howard Barnes, " " " " Jacob Fossett, " " " "

On the motion to go into permanent organization, the Convention recorded an affirmative vote.

On motion, a committee of seven was appointed on Permanent Organization, consisting of Prof. J. H. Rector, Greene county; J. T. Smith, St. Louis county; Prof. W. H. Payne, Cole county; J. Haygood, Lafayette county; G. W. Gaines, Franklin county; Irwin Smith, Boone county; George Howard, New Madrid county.

Moses Dickson, of St. Louis county, was called for, and responded thereto by addressing the Convention on the educational necessities of our people.

On motion of J. F. Jordan, J. Milton Turner, of Cooper county, Second Assistant State Superintendent of Public Schools for the State of Missouri, was requested to state the object for which the assembly had been convoked.

Mr. Turner, in responding to the motion, gave a lucid statement of the educational condition, prospects and efforts of the colored people of the State.

The Committee on Permanent Organization having returned, made the following report:

For President—J. Milton Turner, of Cooper county. For First Pice President—Robert W. Stokes, of New Madrid county. For Second Vice President—C. H. Tandy, of St. Louis county. For Recording Secretary—J. Fletcher Jordan, of Howard county.



For Corresponding Secretary—I. N. Triplett, of Macon county. For Treasurer—W. P. Brooks, of St. Louis county.

The report of the committee was, on motion, adopted, and Moses Dickson and W. P. Brooks were appointed a committee to conduct the President to the chair.

The temporary Chairman, upon retiring, made the following address:

Gentlemen of the Convention :

In retiring from the position with which it was your pleasure to invest me, I have to thank you for whatever of forbearance or support you have accorded to me. The delicate duties of the post required, for their proper execution, the possession of a power of discrimination to which I have not attained. If the head has committed administrative errors in its executive action, the heart has not been a participant therein. Again thanking you, gentlemen, for the honor you have done me, I take leave of the position assigned me.

The permanent Chairman, on taking his seat, delivered a pertinent inaugural address, as follows:

Fellow Citizens of the Educational Convention of Missouri:

Having been called by your suffrages to fill the highest administrative position in this Conventional Assembly, I feel impressed by the magnitude of the responsibility thus devolving upon me. I shall rely upon your wise counsels for that sustaining influence which shall enable me to administer, with strictest impartiality, the code of rules you shall hereafter establish for the more perfect government of this advisory body. On the very threshold of this executive position, I feel constrained to acknowledge my positive inability to shed lustre on this sacred trust.

Gentlemen, I shall need your indulgence, because of my inexperience in these high duties. I feel confident of your correction in all matters wherein I shall err.

In conclusion, I assure you that, to the best of my ability, I shall, with becoming modesty and due moderation, exercise the powers of this office without intentional abuse of its exalted functions.



On motion, a committee of three were appointed to prepare rules for the government of the Convention.

The following were said committee: Thomas Morton, Wm. P. Brooks and Moses Dickson.

On motion, the Convention adjourned to 7 o'clock, P. M.


The meeting was called to order by the President, and prayer was offered by Rev. E. Cartwright.

The Recording and Corresponding Secretary being absent, the chair appointed Thomas Morton Secretary pro tem.

The Vice President and Treasurer were then conducted to their seats.

The bar of the Convention was established.

On motion, E. S. Woodson was elected Sergeant-at-Arms.

The Committee on Rules for the government of the Convention made their report, as follows, which was received and adopted:


1. The President shall be the presiding officer of this Assembly. He shall decide all points of order, subject to an appeal to the house. He shall have the casting vote.

2. Disobedience to the Speakers second call to order shall subject the offender to a public reprimand by that officer, unless dispensed therefrom by unanimous consent.

3. Reconsideration of a vote shall be had only upon the motion of a member who voted affirmatively in the matter sought to be reconsidered.

4. A vote to suspend the rules shall be equivalent to a vote to go into committee of the whole.

5. No motion, seconded, shall be withdrawn by the maker thereof, except with the unanimous consent of the house.

6. All resolutions shall be submitted in writing.

7. No member shall speak longer than ten minutes at any one time, nor more than twice on the same subject, without permission from the Speaker.

8. All resolutions shall be read once and referred.

9. Privileged questions shall be those of adjournment, reconsideration, and commitment.

10. Upon going into committee of the whole, the house shall elect a chairman from the floor.

11. All voting shall be viva voce, except upon a call for a division of the house, when the vote shall be taken by tellers.



12. All government of the house, not hereinbefore provided for, shall be in accordance with the requirements of Cushing's Manual.

J. H. Rector, J. H. Washington, George W. Gaines, Thos. Morton, W. P. Brooks, Moses Dickson.

On motion of Moses Dickson, Col. F. A. Seely, Major J. B. Merwin, G. P. Wood and Prof. G. P. Beard were made honorary members of the Convention.

On motion of Prof. J. H. Rector, a Business Committee of five members was appointed, as follows: Moses Dickson, J. T. Smith, Richard Ricketts, S. P. Anderson, Prof. J. H. Rector.

On motion of J. H. Rector, a committee of three on Invitation of Speakers was appointed, as follows: J. H. Rector, J. H. Washington, G. W. Gaines.

A letter was received from Hon. S. S. Burdett, M. C., referring to the Convention as "a most happy omen for the future," and stating that he will "look with great interest for its conduct and results.” Letters were also received from Col. A. M. Casebolt and Samuel Newlin, Esq., of Cape Girardeau, which were read and ordered to be spread upon the minutes:


J. Milton Turner:

MY DEAR SIR: I cannot be at your Convention. My good wishes are with the worthy object for which you are convened. It behooves all progressive men, at this time, to stand firm for every advanced idea—firm in the interest of human rights. God will help the right. Your Convention is auspicious of great good to your people. Education, liberally disseminated among the great American masses, is the strong safeguard of American liberties.

This will be borne to you by Mr. Abbington, who will represent our county on the floor of your Convention.

Yours, for progress, A. M. CASEBOLT.

CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo., January 18, 1870.

To the members of the Convention of Colored Men assembled at Jefferson City:

GENTLEMEN: It is a source of regret to me that I am unable to attend with you at the Convention that gathers at the State Capital to-morrow. I am informed by the directory of the school, whose teacher I am, that I have



not their permission to be absent at this time, and, furthermore, that should I presume to take such liberty upon myself, my further services will no longer be required. Under such circumstances, my duty to my immediate charge denies me the gratification of being a co-laborer with you in the work in which you are assembled. But be assured, gentlemen, that the purpose of your meeting, and the objects sought to be accomplished, shall, as set forth in the call of the Executive Committee, have my most earnest sympathy, and, in any work necessary to bring about the result, shall receive my untiring support. The suggestions of reform in legislation, needed to give us opportunities to make further advancement toward that real equality to which we aspire, should meet with your special attention, for it is to the law that we must look for protection and assistance in our works of progress. And now, inore than ever before, are we in a situation to insist upon the equal privileges to which, by nature, we are so unquestionably entitled. As certain as any event can be foreseen, the fifteenth amendment to the natiopal constitution is upon the eve of adoption. That ordinance of sound justice stands at the doorway of political success, and, in the name of the nation, demands from unwilling parties complete equality before the law. The twenty thousand votes of colored men in Missouri can crush any party with its balance of power that dares to attempt to obstruct the highway of justice. Then let us acquit ourselves like men—demand the legislation that we need to give us opportunities to convince a doubting world that a nations superiority is not the special franchise of a single race or color, and politicians will soon learn that something besides the Blair family is a power in this land.

With much hope for the results of your councils and deliberations, I remain, very respectfully, yours.


On motion, a committee of seven was appointed to memorialize the Legislature of the State in regard to matters relating to the interest of the colored people of Missouri, said committee consisting of J. Milton Turner, J. Fletcher Jordan, Moses Dickson, Prof. J. H. Rector, Thomas Morton, Robert W. Stokes, Prof. W. H. Payne.

The courtesy of the Convention was extended to Rev. H. H. White, of St. Louis, he having refused to become a member of the body.

On motion, it was ordered that all resolutions presented to the Convention be referred to the Business Committee.

At this stage of the proceedings, Col. F. A. Seely was requested by the President to address the Convention. The Colonel responded in a pertinent address, a synopsis of which follows:

He was glad to see that the members of the Convention were aware of their disabilities, and were unanimous in their desire to remove them. He was also glad to see the delegates express their



wants in a manly, dignified manner. There was work for this Convention, but only a few things to which attention could be given, and hoped that the members would unite their efforts, and center their thoughts upon these. All discussion here on the subject of Normal schools looks to the necessity of separate schools. And here one thing is to be taken into consideration: A large number of colored children residing in townships can not be reached by separate schools, owing to the fact that there are sometimes only five or six children in a township. The concentration of colored people in towns and cities should be discountenanced, and their employment in the townships in agricultural pursuits favored. To this end, means of education should be provided for them.

He advised sending a committee to the State Legislature, petitioning for schools in destitute places. The constitution does not require separate schools; it only permits them. The colored people of the State need a law which will admit colored children in white schools, where no colored schools have been provided. There is no question that you need a Normal school. The cry is universal, "Give us colored teachers.” A member of the Legislative Assembly said to me lately: “It is doubtful whether we can get the bill for a colored Normal school through.” Said I, "If you have two Normal schools, you must give the colored people one. (Great applause.) If you have but one, they need that more than the whites.”

The speaker advised memorializing the Legislature, asking for such things as they needed; a memorial drawn up in such a manner as will show people a thousand miles away, and the world, fifty years hence, that you know your wants. You are doing business for your children. He recommended the support of newspapers, especially of those published in the interest of colored people in St. Louis. He advised the support of the branch of the National Freedman's Savings Bank, located in St. Louis, and gave a summary of the history of the present bank in Washington, D. C. Unanimity of action was recommended.

The speaker was enthusiastically applauded throughout the course of his remarks.

Major J. B. Merwin, of St. Louis, being introduced to the Convention by the Chairman, spoke as follows:



Time is precious. You must put in every moment. Let your deliberations be practical. The colored people must be educated. Every means must be used to bring about this desired end. The object for which you have assembled is laudable. Missouri should be proud of this Convention of colored men. Before the dawning of to-morrow, the news and object of this assembly shall have reached all of the eastern States, and even Europe shall know that you are in session. To be successful, you must be united in action. Of course, men will have differences of opinion; but when the general good is in question, all minor points should be waived. This is a dark assembly, but light is dawning. Let your wants, as expressed to the Legislature, be clothed in modest and respectful language. Go before this Legislature and request your rights. If they refuse, the next will grant it.

Prof. G. P. Beard addressed the house in a manner at once forcible and practical. He organized the first public school for colored children in this State, at Chillicothe, Mo.

The Business Committee returned and made the subjoined report:

We, your Committee on Business, beg leave to submit the following:

WHEREAS, there is located in this city an organization known as the Lincoln Institute, to which certain appropriations and donations have been made, which are in the hands of Rev. J. A. Whitaker, Hon. Arnold Krekel, and Hon. Wm. Bishop, the Executive Committee of said Institute; therefore, we desire to call your attention to the following facts: First, we want to know its practical workings. Second, the advantages derived therefrom. Third, what money has been appropriated thereunto.


On motion, the following Committee on Conference, with the Board of Trustees of Lincoln Institute, was appointed: J. H. Washington, R. W. Stokes, J. T. Smith.

On motion, a Committee on Finance, consisting of three members, was appointed, as follows: J. Fletcher Jordan, W. P. Brooks, Prof. W. H. Payne.

On motion, the Convention adjourned with benediction.




Convention met, pursuant to adjournment, in Market Hall, J. Milton Turner in the chair.

The Sergeant-at-Arms announced the hour. Prayer was offered by the Chaplain. Roll called.

On motion, the following gentlemen were appointed Assistant Secretaries: Prof. W. H. Payne and Thos. Morton, Esq.

The minutes of the previous session were read.

On motion, the minutes were referred back to the Secretaries for correction.

The chair stated to-day's order of business.

Rev. Moses Dickson moved that all members not present at roll call shall be fined fifty cents, which was carried in the affirmative.

Messrs. Mudd, of St. Louis county, and Smith, of Crawford county, were introduced and invited to seats within the bar:

Rev. Mr. Dickson, Chairman of the Business Committee, submitted a recommendation of the appointment of a State Executive Committee.

On motion of Rev. Thomas Morton, the report was referred back to the committee for correction.

The Business Committee reported the following:

We wish to ascertain something of the working and benefits of the Freedman's National Savings Bank, and recommend that a committee be appointed to gather all the statistical matters connected with it.


On motion, the chair was empowered to appoint a committee of three to investigate and report to this Convention the state of the Freedman's Savings Bank.

On motion, a committee of three was appointed on Savings Bank, as follows: W. P. Brooks, I. N. Triplett, Prof. J. H. Rector.

Mr. Hallowell, of St. Joseph, being present, was called for, and addressed the Convention on the subject of Normal School, and recommended a careful attention to business.

General Shepherd, correspondent of the Missouri Democrat, being present, was called forward to the stand, and having addressed the Convention in a gentlemanly, friendly and appropriate manner, retired to his seat amid cheers of the assembly.

Rev. E. Cartwright, of St. Louis, having addressed the Convention on the subject of progression, retired amid loud applause.



A communication was received from the citizens of Kansas City, Jackson county. It was read to the Convention, and ordered to be spread upon the minutes:

Kansas CITY, January 18, 1870.

Mr. J. M. Turner:

Dear Sir: We, the people of the city of Kansas, county of Jackson, State of Missouri, did assemble in mass at the school-house in said city, to take into consideration, or adopt, measures whereby we could be represented in the Educational Convention, to be held at Jefferson City, January 19, 1870. At the first meeting it was moved by James Wolridge, Esq., that Messrs. J. D. Bowser and J. W. Woodland be the delegates to said Convention, to represent the people at large of this city. At the next meeting it was deemed advisable to send but one delegate, as the times were hard and money scarce. Mir. Bowser was taken up and run, was duly elected. and at that time made no particular objection as to his being able to attend the Convention. Not until last evening, at a meeting that was called to hear the report of the Financial Committee, of which . M. Wolridge is Treasurer, did Mr. Bowser make it known that he could not attend that the School Board would not excuse him on any condition to attend the Convention. We then tried several others for the place, among whom were Messrs. J. M. Wolridge, J. W. Woodland, and others, but owing to the shortness of the time to prepare for going, no one would accept the position; yet we believe that every one feels, and they do manifest, a great deal of interest in the movement, being well aware that their whole interest, socially, morally, religiously and politically, depends upon their education -- theirs, even aged as some of them are, as well as their children's.

After trying, as we have before said, to elect some good, responsible man to represent us, and finding all our efforts unavailing, it was finally resolved that we, the people composing the meeting, do send our hearty approval of the movement, and do hope that the great object sought may be attained. It was resolved that we have the utmost confidence in the integrity and ability of the Hon. J. M. Turner, knowing full well his capacity to bring all his undertakings to a successful conclusion. And, furthermore, from the manly stand taken and patriotic course always pursued by you wherever and whenever the interest of the colored man is in question, and believing that in this, as in all other positions, you will use your best and earnest endeavors to promote ours, as every other interest, we do most respectfully ask you to represent, or appoint a representative for us, the colored people of this district. We have raised some funds for the purpose of sending a delegate. Failing in this, we now ask to be represented by proxy, and we, will defray all expenses arising from such representation, etc. You will do us, the following Corresponding Committee, a favor, to send us an answer immediately, either by letter or telegraph. All expenses paid out of the treasury here. Direct to J. M. Wolridge, Esq.

Yours, with our best regards for your health and prosperity, and sincere wishes for the success of the movement.




A communication was received from Mr. George T. Cook, and ordered to be spread upon the minutes:

St. Charles, January 18, 1870.

J. M. Turner, Esq.:

I did think, up to the present time, of writing that I would be able to be with you in person tomorrow, but am sorry to inform you that I can only be with you in purpose and in sentiment. I sincerely hope that your intelligent body will earnestly urge the Legislature to adopt some method whereby colored pupils living in remote parts, where the number is too small to admit of a colored school—where there are less than twenty—can be admitted to the white schools, without exception. Weighing the feeling, as I think I have done, I would consider this a great step. The land question which I talked with you about, I hope will meet the approbation of your distinguished body. I also hope that you will not fail to pass a vote of thanks to Hon. Charles Sumner for the efforts which he has made for our race, excelling, as he has, all others. He will expect it.

Hoping you may have harmony and unity in your council, I remain yours, for equal rights,


P. S. Do not forget to have some arrangement made for calling another State meeting as soon as the fifteenth amendment is ratified. Please send me accounts of your deliberations. Very truly,


Box 99, St. Charles, Mo.

The following telegram was received from Gen. C. H. Howard, of Chicago, Secretary of the American Missionary Association:

Cannot attend. Particulars by mail. My warmest greetings to the Convention.

A letter was received from J. D. Bowser, of Kansas City, Mo, and ordered to be spread upon the minutes:

Kansas City, January 19, 1870.

Mr. J. Milton Turner, Jefferson City:

I have just learned that leave of absence will not be granted me from my school. How I regret being debarred from meeting the several delegations, and especially when I consider the cause for which they assemble; but, still I can bid you God speed in the work. I regard it as a long stride in the march of progress and elevation. It will tend to bring to view the inherent as well as improved powers of our people. We must, sir, let others see how strong we really are. This will make us stronger still. Our strength, sir, lies in the recognition of our merit by those to whom we appeal for extension of privilege. Besides, it will not be argued that a Normal school is one of the immediate and positive wants of our race. Individually, there are some good teachers among us, but taken as a whole, they are not to be rated above moderate rank. Let us have Normal training; that will give us a Normal system of teaching.

Yours fraternally, JAMES D. BOWSER.



On motion of G. W. Gaines, it was voted to send a copy of the minutes to those persons whose letters shall be printed in the proceedings.

The Business Committee submitted the annexed report:

We, your Business Committee, recommend the presentation of this bill to the State Legislature:

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri as follows:

Section 1. That separate schools for colored children may be established in the various townships and school districts of this State, wherever, in the judgment of the proper school officers, it shall be deemed expedient. And such schools, when established, shall possess all the advantages of schools for white children of the same grade in the same district or township.

Sec. 2. Wherever, in any district or township, separate schools shall not be established for colored children, whether through the neglect of school officers, or because their establishment shall not be deemed expedient, it shall be lawful for the colored children to attend any public schools that may be established in such district or township.






The Committee on Rules made the following report, which, on motion, was received and adopted:

MR. CHAIRMAN: We, your Committee on Regulations, beg leave to offer the following:

Resolved, That the sessions of this Convention be as follows:

1. The morning session shall commence at half-past nine A. M., and adjourn at 12, M. 2. The afternoon session shall commence at 2 P. M., and adjourn at 5 P. M.

3. The evening session shall commence at 7 P. M., and adjourn at 10 P. M.

J. H. RECTOR, Chairman.

The chair introduced, in a brief speech, Mr. P. G. Wells, of St. Louis, the first colored man commissioned as Notary Public by the Governor of this State. This announcement was received with cheers.

The following resolution was unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That J. Milton Turner, Moses Dickson, and our honorary member, Col. F. A. Seely, be, and they are hereby appointed, a committee to make arrangements for the publication of so much of the proceedings of this Convention as they may deem proper.




The Convention met as per adjournment, President J. Milton Turner in the chair.

Prayer by Rev. D.S. Sawyer, of Livingston county.

The chair stated that speaking by honorary members was in order.

O.H. Webb, representative from Marion county, having arrived, was introduced by the Chairman to the Convention.

The following communication was received from His Excellency, J.W. McClurg, Governor of the State:


J. Milton Turner, Esq.:

DEAR SIR: I have the pleasure to say that it will be entirely convenient for me, so far as I can now see, to receive the Committee at 3 o'clock P.M., to-morrow. I will ask other State officers to be present.

Very respectfully, you ob't serv't. &c.,


The following communication was then received from Hon. Thos. A. Parker, State Superintendent of Public Schools:


Mr. Turner, President Convention:

SIR: I have, through the Chairman of the Committee on Address, received an invitation to address the Convention at 3 o'clock P.M., to-day. It is an honor highly appreciated, but I am troubled with a severe headache to-day, which renders me incapable of any effort much more than a brief talk upon any topic then before your body. I hope I may be spared the duty of a set speech. You know and can testify to my cordial sympathy with, not only the objects of this Convention, but every other similar effort in behalf of the colored citizens of the State. I will be present at the time specified, but must be excused from the duty above stated, which, under another state of feeling, would be gladly complied with.

Very respectfully,


On the motion of Mr. Morton, of Macon county, the communications received from His Excellency, the Governor, and Hon. Thos. A. Parker, were ordered to be spread upon the minutes.

On motion of G.W. Gaines, of Franklin county, it was ordered that the printed proceedings of this Convention be transmitted to be transmitted to the National Executive Committee of colored men, at Washington, D.C.




On motion, the President was instructed to telegraph greetings from the Convention to the National Executive Committee of colored men, at Washington, D. C.

On motion of Rev. Moses Dickson, Mr. Mudd, of St. Louis county, and Mr. Smith, of Crawford county, addressed the Convention.

Mr. Taussing, of St. Louis county, occupied about five minutes in an address.

Hon. T. A. Parker, State Superintendent of Public Schools for Missouri, having arrived, was introduced to the Convention by the President, and, he, in turn, introduced to the house Major Monks, of West Plains, Howell county, Mo., who addressed the Convention on the subject of homesteads, and retired to his seat amid loud applause.

On motion, it was voted that Hon. T. A. Parker do now address the Convention on the subject of Normal and Primary schools. He, in responding to the motion, delivered one of those chaste advisory efforts for which that gentlemen is so widely distinguished.

The Committee of Conference submitted their report, as follows:

Your Committee, appointed to confer with the authorities of the Lincoln Institute, beg leave to report the following as the result of their interview with Rev. Mr. Whitaker, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. The condition of the fund is thus stated:

Contributed by soldiers of 62d Reg't U. S. C. I............$4,000 00

" " " 65th " " ....... ...... 1,325 00

" " Freedman's Bureau............................................2,000 00

" " officers of 62d Reg't U. S. C. I.............................1,000 00-$8,325 00

Through Mr. Beal to Mr. Whitaker, as follows:

November 10, 1868.......................................................... 150 00

December 17, ....." ........................................................... 90 00

February 23, 1869............................................................ 107 00

March 10, " .............................................................. 125 00— 472 00

Through Mr. Beal to Mr. Yeatman:

April 28, 1868..................................................................... 60 00

June 5, " ....................................................................... 150 00

July 11, " ................... ................................................... 86 00

Oct. 6, " ........................................................................ 238 50

May 14, 1869...................................................................... 271 10

June 14, " ..................................................................... 211 80— 1,017.40

Total .................................................................................... $9,814 40




To traveling expenses of R. B. Foster for one- half of

1866, without salary...................................................$ 481 20

To salary of R. B. Foster, 1866-7, as teacher.............. 1,000 00

" " of " " 1867-8 " ........................................ 425 00

" " of Assistant......................................................... 50 00

" " of W. H. Payne, teacher, 1868-9....................... 400 00

" " of Assistant......................................................... 75 00

" " of R. B. Foster, 4 months 1869-70...................... 480 00

Incidentals, repairs, furniture, &c., (approximately)...... 500 00— 3,411 20

Invested in land............................................................ 5,200 00

    "        in notes, at, 10 per cent. interest...................              1,970 00

Total expenditures and investments............................. $10,581 20

Total receipts ............................................................... 9,814 40

Excess of expenditures over receipts original.............. $ 766 80

By receipts on notes.................................................... 471 25

                                                                                                  $ 294 55

Making, as a result, the sum of $294.55, as an apparent excess of expenditures over receipts—the latter being of June 14, 1869—for all which the proper vouchers are in the hands of the members of the Board of Trustees of the Institute. ( Total of June 14, $9,814.40.)

J. H. WASHINGTON, Chairman.

J. T. SMITH, St. Louis county.

R. W. STOKES, New Madrid county.

On motion, the report of the committee was received and adopted.

On motion, Mr. R. B. Foster was requested to give the house all information in his power relating to the Lincoln Institute Fund. He responded with a very lucid account of its origin.

On motion, the time for adjournment was extended half an hour.

The courtesy of the house was extended to Rev. J. Addison Whitaker, whereupon he addressed the Convention in regard to Lincoln Institute.

On motion, it was voted that the chair appoint a committee of fifteen to proceed to an interview with His Excellency, the Governor, and other State officials.

On motion, adjourned to 7 o'clock, P. M., with benediction by Rev. W. P. Brooks.



EVENING SESSION—Thursday, JAN'Y 20, 1869.

Convention was called to order by the Sergeant-at-Arms, President Turner in the chair. Prayer was offered by Rev. H. H. White.

The chair appointed the annexed committee, as provided in a previous order, to visit the Governor and other State officers:

John Haygood, Lafayette county; Prof. J. H. Rector, Greene county; Moses Dickson, St. Louis county; Richard Ricketts, Marion county; I. N. Triplett, Macon county; N. B. Morris, St. Louis county; G. W. Gaines, Franklin county; W. P. Brooks, St. Louis county; L. F. Fisher, Boone county; R. W. Stokes, New Madrid county; J. Fletcher Jordan, Howard county; D. S. Sawyer, Livingston county; J. J. Bruce, Sheridan county; Emanuel Cartwright, St. Louis county; E. S. Woodson, St. Louis county.

This committee, accompanied by the Chairman, proceeded to the Capitol, and were presented to His Excellency, J. W. McClurg, by whom the committee were introduced to the other State officials present at the interview.

J. Milton Turner addressed the Chief Magistrate as follows:

SIR: It is my duty to present to your Excellency the object for which this committee thus calls upon you. We think it is for this nation a most fortunate circumstance, indicating the wisdom of its founders, as well as the triumph of a catholic spirit, that our government is elevated, by the explicit and imperative language of its Magna Charta, above the narrowness of sectarianism in every shape and guise, now and forever.

Assembled in the interests of education, this committee do ask of you, together with other members of the present State administration, that you leave not incomplete the work so nobly begun in the interests of humanity; but, by your persistent adherence to principle, we beg of you to carve out for this unassuming class in your midst an unobstructed pathway to the higher walks of knowledge.

After a cordial and eloquent response from His Excellency, the committee returned to the hall.



The following resolution was presented by the Chairman of the Business Committee, and, after considerable discussion, was adopted by the Convention:

Resolved, That we, the members of the State Educational Convention, do hereby form a State Executive Committee, for the purpose of promoting the general good of our people, and the said Executive Committee shall have power to form auxiliary committees in each county in the State. The State Executive Committee shall consist of nineteen members, to be appointed as follows:

1st Congressional District..................................................................................3

2d " " ...................................................................................2

3d " " ...................................................................................2

4th " " ...................................................................................2

5th " " ...................................................................................2

6th " " ...................................................................................2

7th " " ...................................................................................2

8th " " ...................................................................................2

9th " ".....................................................................................2

Resolved, That the Executive Committee hereby created assemble after the adjournment of this convention, and proceed to effect its organization by the adoption of a constitution for its government.

On the final vote on the adoption of the resolution from the Business Committee, establishing a State Executive Committee, a division of the house was called for, resulting in twenty four ayes to twelve noes. Thereupon a motion to reconsider having been entertained by the chair, it was largely negatived.

On motion, it was voted that the thanks of this Convention be extended to Hon. T. A. Parker, State Superintendent of Public Schools, for the address delivered by him before the Convention to day, and also for the interest manifested by him in the establishment of colored schools in this State.

On the motion of R. B. Foster, it was voted that this Convention be recommend seven candidates to the Board of Trustees of Lincoln Institute, from among whom the Board might fill vacancies.

The following were, on motion, recommended by the Convention: Moses Dickson, Henry Brown, J. Milton Turner, E. Cartwright, J. H. Rector, W. P. Brooks, and O. H. Webb.

Rev. J. A. Whitaker informed the Convention that the Board of Trustees of Lincoln Institute met in Prof. R. B. Foster's school house, at 10 o'clock, A. M. ; also, that the nominees of this Con-



Convention for the Board of Trustees are hereby respectfully invited to be present.

Rev. Mr. Whitaker advised that a committee be appointed to make an effort to procure a portion of the lands of the agricultural grant, for the benefit of the colored people.

W. P. Brooks, Chairman of the Committee on Banks, submitted its report, prefacing the same with information on the subject of National Freedman's Savings Bank, replete with interest:

We, your Committee on Savings Banks, beg leave to report on the propriety, importance and imperative necessity of these institutions among us as a means of education, thrift and independence, to us, as an integral part of the body politic of America. We therefore recommend the Freedmen's Savings Bank as among the safest institutions in the country, and especially adapted to the wants of the colored people. This company has a branch at St. Louis, Mo. That branch has in deposit a balance of $25,000, belonging to the colored people. We recommend this branch to the favor and endorsement of this Convention, and that in the endorsement the delegates will do all—each in his sphere—to enlist the active sympathies of the people, of their respective localities, in favor of encouraging and building up this institution.


J. H. RECTOR, Committee.


On motion, a committee of three were appointed to submit an address to the people of color of this State, to be printed in the proceedings of this Convention.

The chair named the following gentlemen to be said committee: Robt. W. Stokes, New Madrid county; Prof J. H. Rector, Greene county; J. Fletcher Jordan, Howard county.

Hon. John C. Orrick, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Missouri, was introduced to the Convention by the President, and was seated within the bar of the house.

On motion, it was voted that this Convention recommend the newspaper entitled the Welcome Friend, published in St. Louis by Mr. C. H. Tandy, to the friendly consideration of a discerning public.

The committee on the address to the people of color of Missouri made their report, as follows:




Assembled in general conclave for the purpose of conducing to your educational advancement, we beg you to " lend us your ears." " Knowledge is power." Intellectual culture is essential to your moral and social advancement, and to the perpetuity of your glorious liberty. You need a Normal school for the culture of teachers; the importance of such an institution of learning cannot readily be overrated. You need primary schools organized wherever in the State they do not exist, and the need of them does exist. As citizens of the great State of Missouri, and of the United States of North America, you need a basis of intelligence from which to exercise the high privileges of your citizenship, the full responsibilities of which will, at an early moment, be upon you. As, in the crucial test of the past, whether amid the haunts of peace, or beneath the fiery baptism of battle, you have done your duty right well and nobly, so we beg you will, in the present and in the time to come, be unswervingly loyal to the sacred principles of American constitutional liberty.

All around the sky the opening havens are radiant with the promise of better things to come. The lowering, gloomy winter of your discontent is being made glorious by the bright effulgence of liberty's fair day. The popular sentiment of the nation has, within a single decade, advanced the cause of human progress an entire century. Especially the recipients of the benefits of this great revolution in national feeling, we respectfully beg leave to call upon you to stand in the strength of your resuscitated manhood, according to it all the support that acquisition of intelligence, the accumulation of wealth, and the maintenance of your position can give.

R. W. STOKES, Chairman, New Madrid Co.

J. H. RECTOR, Green county.

J. FLETCHER JORDAN, Howard county.

The following was received from the Business Committee, and, on motion, adopted:

WHEREAS, the colored people of Missouri are greatly indebted to the Missouri Democrat, of St. Louis, for its able and effective defense and advocacy of all their rights for many years, and for the earnest manner in which



it is now urging upon the people of the United States the adoption of the fifteenth amendment to the constitution, which will secure us in the exercise of every right now enjoyed by any citizen of our common country; therefore, be it

Resolved, That, as representatives of the whole body of colored citizens of this State, we, in their name, endorse the Missouri Democrat, and recommend it to the families of every section as worthy of a place at their firesides.

On motion, the following resolution, offered by C. H. Tandy, editor, was referred under the rules to the proper committee, and, by the Chairman of that body, was reported to the house and adopted:

Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention are hereby tendered to the Evening Tribune and Westliche Post, of St. Louis, for the staunch and hearty recognition of the principle laid down in the Declaration of Independence—that "all men are created equal"—and that the thanks of the colored people are due to the press of the country generally, so far as they endorse the same principles.


Convention met as per adjournment. The house was called to order by the President. Prayer by Prof. G. P. Beard.

Mr. G. P. Wood, a member of the society of "Friends," from Cedar county, Iowa, desired to address the Convention, as he was on the eve of his departure.

The Chairman suggested that the house object to the departure of the Corresponding Secretary.

At this juncture the annexed letter, from the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives, covering a certified copy of the resolution referred to in it, and which is given below, was received and read to the Convention, and ordered to be published in the proceedings of that body:


JEFFERSON CITY, Jan 21, 1870.

Hon J. Milton Turner, et al.:

DEAR SIRS: Enclosed please find a certified copy of a resolution which passed the House this morning.

Yours respectfully,

J. C. S. COLBY, Chief Clerk.





Resolved, That Hon. J. Milton Turner, Moses Dickson, H. H. White and W. P. Brooks, distinguished members of the colored Educational Convention, now in session in this city, are requested to deliver addresses in the Hall of Representatives this evening.

Adopted January 21, 1870.

J. C. S. COLBY, Chief Clerk.

At this point in the proceedings the following gentlemen, members of the St. Louis delegation, left for their homes, on the plea of the requirements of their private business: Rev. W. P. Brooks and Mr. C. H. Tandy.

Rev. S. P. Anderson left for home on the preceding day.

The minutes of the proceedings of the Convention for the first and second day's sessions were read, corrected and approved.

A resolution for the further government of the Executive Committee was presented by R. W. Stokes of New Madrid. Read a first and second time, and adopted unanimously:

Be it resolved by this Convention, That the powers and duties of the Executive Committee created by it shall be as follows, in addition to those expressed in the resolution creating it:

1. The Chairman, and such members of the Committee as it may elect, shall constitute the Board of Control of the Executive Committee. The headquarters of the same shall be at St. Louis.

2. The board of Control shall have power to convene the Executive Committee when, in their judgment, a reason in the interest of the constituents of the Convention demands it; and they shall have power, and it shall be their duty, to call Annual Conventions of the colored people of this State, at such central points as they may deem best, and other than Annual Conventions when they shall adjudge it needful.

3. The Executive Committee shall acquaint themselves with the educational wants of the colored people of each Congressional district of this State, and may, with the assent of their constituents, assess a tax for the furtherance of the cause they represent.

J. Milton Turner, of Cooper county, presented and read to the Convention an important bill on Normal schools. After the second reading of the bill, it was received and, on motion, recommended to the Legislature for adoption:



Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:

SECTION 1. The Lincoln Institute, of Jefferson City, is hereby constituted a State Normal School, for the purpose of training colored teachers for public schools.



SEC. 2. Whenever the trustees of the above named school shall certify, under oath, that they hold in trust, for the above named purpose, suitable and sufficient buildings and grounds, of a value not less than $15,000, they are hereby authorized to engage all necessary instructors, organize, and have the general management of the above named school, subject to the supervision of the State Board of Education.

SEC. 3. Whenever the terms of section second, of this act, are complied with, there shall be appropriated, annually, out of the State treasury, the sum of $5,000 for the purpose specified in sections one and two of this act.

SEC. 4. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed, and this act shall be in force from and after its passage.

Col. Flint, editor of the Weekly Tribune, delivered an earnest speech to the Convention, replete with excellent thoughts.

Prof. Feathers, official reporter of the Senate of Missouri, was introduced to the Convention by the President, and enchained the undivided attention of his auditory to his earnest presentment of many of the prominent ideas of the hour.

On motion of Moses Dickson, Richard Ricketts was elected Second Vice President, to fill the vacancy created by the absence of C. H. Tandy.

On motion of J. H. Rector, a recommendation referring to Lincoln Institute was received and adopted, as follows:

We recommend that, as it has been proven to this Convention that our tried friend, Prof. R. B. Foster, has performed the arduous duties of teacher and trustee of Lincoln Institute to our entire satisfaction, we, therefore, recommend that he be continued on the Board of Trustees; and, further, that this recommendation be immediately forwarded to the Board of Trustees of Lincoln Institute.

On motion, adjourned, to meet at 7 o'clock, P. M. Benediction.


Convention met as per adjournment, J. M. Turner, President, in the chair.

On motion of Robert W. Stokes, of New Madrid county, it was voted that this Convention have heard, with feelings of profound and pleasing emotion, of the election to the United States Senate, by the Legislature of Mississippi, of Rev. Hiram R. Revels, a colored American.



The annexed communication was forwarded to the Capitol:


Hon. J. C. S. Colby, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives :

SIR: The Convention beg to acknowledge the receipt of your official note of this date, apprising us that the Honorable, the House of Representatives of the State of Missouri, have been pleased to extend an invitation to several named members of this body to speak in the Hall of Representatives this evening. I have the honor to state that the invitation is gratefully accepted. Very respectfully,

J. MILTON TURNER, Ch'n of Convention.

The following resolution, offered by the Business Committee, in reference to instructions concerning the Agricultural Land Grant, was adopted:

Resolved, That the Committee to memorialize the Legislature be instructed to ask that body that a portion of the proceeds of the Agricultural College Land Grant be given to some institution that shall practically be open to colored pupils.

Resolved, That this Convention recommend that Lincoln Institute be selected as the institution to receive such grant.





The Business Committee reported the following, which was received and adopted:

Resolved, By the people of color of the State of Missouri, in Educational Convention assembled, that our sincere thanks are due, and are hereby heartily tendered, to the General Assembly of Missouri, for the prompt ratification by that body of the fifteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States. MOSES DICKSON, Chairman.


On motion, it was voted that J. Fletcher Jordan and Thomas Morton be substituted for W. P. Brooks and H. H. White (the last two named having returned to St. Louis) on the roll of speakers from the Convention, to deliver addresses in the Hall of Representatives this evening.

On motion, the Convention adjourned to proceed in a body to the Hall of Representatives, to attend a sociable to which the Convention was invited by Miss Julia Smith, Mrs. Fossett, and Mrs. Barnes, and to return to their hall and go into session at midnight.



On arriving at the Capitol, the members of the Convention, after a short delay, were invited to seats on the floor of the Hall of Representatives. At the rear of the Speaker's chair was a graceful arrangement of the American flag, surmounted with a picture of the "Father of his country.” Hon. Hayward, of Marion county, presided, and gracefully received upon the rostrum each of the four speakers supplied by the Convention. The Legislative chamber was filled to repletion with an auditory representing the elite of society, the intelligence, beauty, and fashion of the capital city of Missouri. The first speaker was Rev. Thomas Morton, the second was Rev. Moses Dickson, the third was J. Milton Turner, Esq., and the fourth was Rev. J. Fletcher Jordan. The speeches made were well received by the assemblage. The entertainment to which the members of the Convention repaired after the meeting was an elegant one, every delicacy of the season being present.

The Convention returned to its hall, and at midnight was called to order by the First Vice-President, R. W. Stokes. The Chairman of the Business Committee presented the following, which was unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That we, the members of this Convention, tender our heartiest thanks for the magnificent supper and entertainment given to the members of this Convention by Mrs. Anna Fossett, Miss Julia Smith, and Mrs. H. Barnes. May joy, happiness, and peace be theirs forever.

On motion of E. S. Woodson, it was voted that the heartfelt thanks of this Convention are due, and are hereby tendered, to the citizens of this capital for their general civility and kindness extended to the members of this body.

On motion of G. W. Gaines, it was ordered that this Convention create a Committee of seven on Homesteads.

The Chair appointed the following gentlemen to be said committee: G. W. Gaines, J. H. Rector, Wm. Hopkins, H. Brown, E. Cartwright, R. Ricketts, and N. B. Morris.

On motion, the Sergeant-at-Arms was ordered to take into his custody, at the sessions to be held on Saturday, all newspapers or other documents brought into this Convention for distribution or sale, and hold the same subject to the order of the Convention.

On motion, adjourned, with the benediction, to Saturday morning at nine o'clock.




Convention met as per adjournment. J. Milton Turner in the chair. The roll was called, after which Mr. G. P. Woods entertained the Convention with an instructive address on the duties of the hour. It was received with applause. By request of the Chair, Major Monks addressed the Convention on the subject of "Homesteads.”

On motion, 10,000 copies of the minutes were ordered to be printed.

On motion, it was voted that a recess of five minutes be had.

On motion, the bills now before the Convention, favoring the cause of education, were put into the hands of J. Milton Turner for presentation to the Chairman of the Committee on Education, of the House of Representatives, with discretionary power as to such presentation.

The following report of the action of the Trustees of Lincoln Institute was then presented by R. B. Foster:

At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Lincoln Institute, held this afternoon, J. Milton Turner and Rev. Moses Dickson were elected Trustees, and Messrs. Brown, Parker, Yeatman, and Foster, re-elected; all of which was in accordance with the recommendation of this Convention. The following officers of the Board were also chosen: Gov. J. W. McClurg, President; Rev. Moses Dickson, Vice-President; Jas. E. Yeatman, Treasurer; R. B. Foster, Secretary; Rev. J. Addison Whitaker, Judge A. Krekel, and J. Milton Turner, Esq., Executive Committee.

R. B. FOSTER, Sec'y of Board,

On motion, it was voted that the report of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees of Lincoln Institute, presented by Mr. Foster, is satisfactory to this Convention.

The Chairman of the Committee on Homesteads delivered an interesting report, which was, on motion, received and adopted:

WHEREAS, It has become known to this Convention that Major Monks, Land Agent, of West Plains, Howell county, State of Missouri, has large tracts of land which may be divided into homesteads of forty to eighty acres, on which our people may settle without payment of purchase money or taxes for the space of five years, at the expiration of which time they can receive a patent title for the same from the government. These lands are of as good quality as any in the State of Missouri. He also states that there is now a large emigration and settlement upon portions of Said land, composed



mostly of intelligent, thrifty colored families from the State of Tennessee. He invites the attention of such persons among us as desire to secure homesteads on easy terms. We further find that H. T. Mudd, Esq., of Kirkwood, St. Louis county, has ten or twelve thousand acres of good land in the counties of Franklin and Jefferson, which he offers to sell on liberal terms to industrious colored families, to-wit: Granting five years residence to the purchaser before exacting the first payment, and five additional years for the second payment—the whole to be paid in two separate payments of five years each. All of which we beg leave to submit. Your Committee, therefore, recommend the adoption of the subjoined resolution:

Resolved, That this Convention, fully impressed with the paramount importance of any people procuring the ownership of the land on which they live, in order to promote their personal independence, does hereby recommend to its constituents an early and earnest consideration of the tender of Messrs. Monks and Mudd, as submitted to your Committee on Homesteads.

On motion, each county represented in the Convention was assessed ten dollars to pay for printing the proceedings of this Convention.

On motion, adjourned to 3 1/2 o' clock P. M.


Convention met as per adjournment. First Vice-President, R. W. Stokes, in the chair. The minutes of Friday and Saturday's sessions were read and approved.

A resolution from the Business Committee, tendering our thanks to the Pacific railroad for half-fare tickets to the Convention, was reported by the Business Committee, and, on motion, adopted.

On motion, the Executive Committee was authorized to fill vacancies occurring in its own body.

On motion of R. W. Stokes, it was voted that this Convention declare itself in full sympathy with the animus of the terse and unique letter of D. A. Ritter, Cashier of the Augusta, Georgia, Branch of the National Freedman's Savings and Trust Company, to the colored people of Augusta, Georgia; and that said letter be appended to this motion and spread upon the minutes of this Convention:

To the colored people of Augusta, Georgia :

However low the wages; however poor and depressed; however gloomy the view; let the people ever remember, that to rise they must be good, they must be educated, must work, must save.



Goodness will bring respect; education leads to knowledge; work gains money; saving may attain a home and prosperity.

Goodness, knowledge, money, and property, will demand equality. Trust more in these than in politics. Use the rights you have, and, by them, gain the rest.

Do good! Study! Work! Save!


Cashier Augusta Branch.

A communication from Prof. G. P. Beard, of Sedalia, approving the general action of the Convention, was read, and, on motion, ordered to be spread upon the minutes.

SEDALIA, Saturday, Jan. 22, 1870.

FRIEND TURNER: I embrace this opportunity to testify to my interest and approval of your Convention, especially of the speeches and general high tone of the exercises last evening at the capitol. It is grand to realize the results of these long years of tears, and pains, and prayers, in the glorious triumph of truth and right! God bless you! Your individual effort was very highly complimented by all last evening. Hope to see you at Jefferson City next week. Shall be glad to hear from you any day. Push the Normal bill through.

In haste.



Prof. J. H. Rector asked leave of absence from the further sitting of the Convention. The request was acceded to, and, in expressing the grant, the Chair united with the members of the Convention in giving utterance to the warmest feelings of respect for, and attachment to, the retiring member. Mr. Rector, in a well-timed speech, expressed his thanks to the Convention for their expression of esteem, and retired with the benedictions of the whole assembly.

On motion, it was voted that the thanks of this Convention are due, and are hereby tendered, to the Chairman, J. Milton Turner, for the able manner in which he has presided over this body, and for his unflinching adherence to the cause of education and the best interests of the people of color of the State of Missouri.

The Chairman of the Business Committee, Moses Dickson, submitted the following, which was unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That in the person of Robert W. Stokes, one of the representatives in this Convention from New Madrid county, we recognize a man capable as a leader, and honest in his endeavor to ameliorate the condition of his people. We approve of his action in this Convention, and acknowledge



his good workmanship therein, and hail him as a master builder, with hands ready to help every good work. May he live to see his labors crowned with victory.

On motion, a vote of thanks was tendered the Sergeant-at-Arms for the faithful and efficient discharge of the delicate duties of his post. The following preamble and resolution was presented by R. W. Stokes, of New Madrid, and, on his motion, adopted—the assent of the Business Committee having been obtained:

WHEREAS, There exists an erroneous impression, among the colored people of this State, that they should celebrate the 4th day of August as the day of Missouri's deliverance from the thraldom of centuries; therefore,

Resolved, By this Convention, that each of its members be requested to disseminate among his constituents a knowledge of the great fact that the 11th day of January, 1865, is the day on which the shackles of slavery were stricken from our limbs in the great State of Missouri — a State now free by the will of her people, and the fiat of Almighty God.

The following resolution was proposed by the Business Committee, and, on motion, adopted:

Resolved, That we do recommend the formation of a fund for the purpose of purchasing real estate, thereby making ourselves strong in the State of Missouri; said fund to be secured in the most reliable banks of the State, under the supervision of the following officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Charles A. Price and Henry A. Brinkee, two active and intelligent boys, having been appointed pages to the Convention, at its close returned their thanks to that body for having selected them as pages to the first educational convention held in the State of Missouri. Four dollars was donated by the members in payment of their services.

With the assent of the Business Committee, the annexed resolution was offered by R. W. Stokes, and, on his motion, adopted:

Resolved, That this Convention do hereby tender a vote of thanks to the Rev. Emanuel Cartwright, of St. Louis county, for the manner in which he has discharged the duties devolved upon him as a member of this body.

On motion, it was voted that the State Executive Committee be empowered to raise the sum of 7,500 to complete the endowment of Lincoln Institute.

On motion, it was voted Moses Dickson be Treasurer of the


Publishing Committee, for the purpose of receiving and holding, in the interest of our constituents, all moneys collected for the purpose of printing; and all contributions to that object are requested to be made in postoffice money orders to said Treasurer, at 819 North Eleventh street, St. Louis, Mo, and he is hereby requested to return, promptly, proper receipts to all such contributors.

On motion, it was ordered that any money that may remain in the hands of the Finance Committee, at the adjournment of the Convention, shall be transferred by that Committee to the custody of the Treasurer of the Publishing Committee.


We, your Financial Committee, beg leave to submit the subjoined report:


Jan. 19, to cash from collection at hall..............................$18 20

" 20 " " " " ..............................5 85

" 21 " " " at Hall of Representatives 32 95

" 22 " gift ..........................................................50—$57 50


Jan. 19, by cash for stationery...............................................$ 195

" 20 " " telegram ...............................................2 10

" " " " stationery ............................................... 1 50

" 21 " " fuel .........................................................50

" " " " candles...........................................50

" 22 " " hall rent ............................................... 9 00

" " " " to two janitors .......................................... 6 00

" " " " J. Milton Turner, for printing circulars... 15 00

" " " " J.F. Jordan, Secretary........................ 10 00

" 27 " " J.F. Jordan, Sec., for travelling expenses 5 00— 51 55

$5 95

On motion, it was ordered that J. Milton Turner and Moses Dickson be a standing committee, to look after the interests of the colored people of this State, at Jefferson City.

On motion, a vote of thanks was tendered Rev. Moses. Dickson for the efficient manner in which he has discharged the duties of his position as Chairman of the Business Committee.

Mr. Dickson responded in an eloquent recountal of his manifold



experiences, from boyhood, in the work of elevating himself through the uplifting of his people.

The President responded to the vote of thanks previously tendered him in an eloquent address, expressive of his gratitude for the honor conferred upon him by the Convention in elevating him to the highest office within its gift. He said, among the multifarious duties of the portentous future he would strive, in his humble capacity, to discharge his duty wherever, in the judgment of the people, it may be found he can be useful to the general cause.

The following resolutions were offered by Mr. R. W. Stokes, of New Madrid, and unanimously adopted:

Resolved by this Convention, That in view of the great utility of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, an agency by which tens of thousands of dependent Americans have been saved from penury and death—an agency which has dispensed the beams of educational light far and wide among our people—it is eminently proper that this body return its sincere thanks to the Congress of the United States for creating such a Bureau, and to Major General O. O. Howard, Commissioner, and Colonel F. A. Seely, Special Agent at St. Louis, and other efficient officers, for the manner in which they have executed the functions with which they are invested.

Resolved, That this Convention fully endorse and earnestly recommend, to all who love rightful progress, that sterling publication, the St. Louis Journal of Education, edited by Major J. B. Merwin.

At this point in the proceedings, a choir of young ladies, by special request of the Vice-President, sang the beautiful hymn entitled "Sweet Hour of Prayer," with pleasing effect. By request of the Convention, Mrs. J. Milton Turner sang, with power and pathos, that patriotic song, "The Red, White, and Blue;" after which, by special request, the same lady sang, with all the thrilling sweetness of rendition for which she is remarkable, "Hear me, Norma, hear me!”

When the hour of midnight, January 22, Anno Domini 1870, was almost upon us, a motion to adjourn, sine die, was made and seconded. Every member of the Convention voted affirmatively by rising; while they stood thus, in that solemn hour of separation, the President requested Rev. Mr. Sawyer to offer prayer to God, whose provident kindness had brought us safely to the conclusion of our associate labors. Every knee was bended and every head was


bowed until the conclusion of the sacred service. Upon rising, the President put the negative of the question, and, no response being made to it, the first Educational Convention of the colored men of Missouri was adjourned, sine die.

J. MILTON TURNER, Cooper County, President.

R. W. STOKES, New Madrid County, First Vice-President.

CHARLTON H. TANDY, St. Louis Co., Second Vice-President.

J. FLETCHER JORDAN, Howard County, Recording Secretary.

I. N. TRIPLETT, Macon County, Corresponding Secretary.

THOMAS MORTON, Macon County, First Assistant Secretary.

W. H. PAYNE, Cole County, Second Assistant Secretary.

Convention Minutes Item Type Metadata

Convention Type



Jefferson City





Start Date


End Date




Colored People's Educational Convention (1870 : Jefferson City, MO), “Proceedings of the Colored People's Educational Convention held in Jefferson City, Missouri, January , 1870.,” Colored Conventions Project Digital Records, accessed July 16, 2024,