Colored Conventions Project Digital Records

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CCP Corpus

What is the CCP Corpus?

The CCP Corpus provides easy access to our growing collection of transcribed minutes and proceedings of the Colored Conventions.

The Colored Conventions Project seeks to bring the buried history of nineteenth-century Black organizing to digital life. Part of this work is enabling researchers to look for patterns across this broad, rich history in the language of the minutes themselves. These transcriptions are made possible by the dedicated volunteers of the CCP Transcribe Minutes initiative.

The CCP Corpus is designed to be easy to use in most large text-analysis applications, from Voyant Tools to topic modeling, the Natural Language Toolkit, or natural language processing.

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How do I use it?

As the CCP remains committed to the large-scale recovery of the convention minutes, please be aware that this collection is as yet incomplete. All uses of these materials published online or in print should indicate the provisional nature of the CCP Corpus. The CCP Corpus will grow significantly with the progress of Transcribe Minutes. Each updated version will be titled with the year and month last updated (i.e.

The downloaded zip file includes:

The table of contents describes each of the texts in the collection, with a unique file id, public url, and event start date. Additional metadata is available upon request.

The Read Me file provides details about the collection's updates, reproduction permissions and guidelines on how to cite the CCP Corpus.


We are eager to promote innovative uses of the convention minutes. If you are using these materials, or have any feedback to improve the CCP Corpus, please contact us at info {at}

Copyright Statement

The Colored Conventions Project Corpus is being released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Please credit the Colored Conventions Project for providing access to these materials.