Colored Conventions Project Digital Records

Texas State Convention


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Texas State Convention








Houston, August 3d, 1871.

In pursuance to a call to elect delegates to represent the State in the Southern State Convention.

The call having been made in compliance with the order of the Chairman of the Executive Committee, to meet at Houston, August 3d, 1871.

The Convention was called to order by G. T. Ruby, and the object of the meeting stated; whereupon G. T. Ruby was elected President and John Keppard appointed Secretary, and the following delegates elected:

Jas. Green, Esq., . First Cong'l Dist.
Prof. J.H. Townsend, Second " "
Judge John DeBruhl, Third " "
D. G. Scott, Esq. Fourth " "
Hon. Richard Allen, of Houston,
Hon. Richard Nelson, of Galveston, State at Large.

Whereupon the following resolutions was offered by Prof. Townsend ;

WHEREAS, The Civil Bights Bill places all citizens of the United States upon one common platform of equality before the law, and

WHEREAS, We have learned with deep regret of a flagrant outrage committed upon one of our most respected citizens, by forcibly ejecting him from the cars on the G. H. & S. A. railroad, recently, therefore be it

Resolved, That this Convention take this occasion to express their condemnation of such acts of brutality, as belong to an age of barbarism rather than to that of the nineteenth century.

Resolved, That the forcible ejection of the wife of Walter Burton, Sheriff of Fort Bend county, from a first-class car on the G. H. & S. A. railroad, and attempting to compel her to take a seat in a car among ruffians and black- guards, calls loudly upon each one of us to come forward and aid him in obtaining proper redress for his grievances before the law.

Resolved, That the ejection of the wife of the Sheriff of Fort Bend county from the cars and forcing her to take a seat among ruffians of the baser sort, calls loudly upon each one of us to come forward and aid him in obtaining proper redress before the law.

Resolved, That all citizens of the State of Texas who endorse the Civil Rights bill, are hereby requested to confer with the committee appointed for the purpose of receiving donations, and subscribe what they may be able to enforce the law in the case of W. M. Burton vs. the Galveston and Harrisburg railroad company.

Resolved, That all men who are in favor of equal rights, irrespective of race or color, or previous condition, will earnestly come forward and assist in prosecuting, before the law, the Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio Railroad company.

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“Texas State Convention,” Colored Conventions Project Digital Records, accessed October 22, 2024,