Colored Conventions Project Digital Records

Proceedings of the Council of the Georgia Equal Rights Association. Assembled at Augusta, Ga. April 4th, 1866. Containing the Address of the President, Captain J. E. Bryant, and Resolutions Adopted by the Council.


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Proceedings of the Council of the Georgia Equal Rights Association. Assembled at Augusta, Ga. April 4th, 1866. Containing the Address of the President, Captain J. E. Bryant, and Resolutions Adopted by the Council.


Pamphlet (16 p. ; 20 cm.)












Georgia Equal Rights Association

Assembled at Augusta, Ga. April 4th, 1866



CAPTAIN J. E. Bryant,



Published by order of the Council


(Corner Jackson & Ellis Streets,)





Augusta, Ga, Richmond County, April 4th, 1866.

A called meeting of the Council of Georgia Equal Rights Association met at the office of the Loyal Georgian. The meeting was called to order at 10 A M by Captain J E Bryant, President. The following counties were represented:

Richmond, T P Beard.

Greene, E C Powell.

Wilks, H M Nelson.

Morgan, L McAlester,

Warren, W Harris.

After prayer by Rev Lewis Smith of Bibb county, the President read the following address:

Gentlemen of the Council of the Georgia Equal Rights Association:

You have been called together to transact important business. The constitution of your society authorizes you to elect a delegate to Congress. It was thought best at your first session to postpone any action upon this, and you will now decide whether such election is for the interest of the cause. I am fully convinced that you realize the importance of sending a colored man to Washington, as soon as practicable, to advocate the cause of equal rights with the President and members of Congress, whenever he can assist you by so doing. There


are in this State nearly 500,000 colored persons: they are taxed to support a Government which denies to them representation. The white citizens of the State have sent distinguished men to represent their interests, and at this time, one of the ablest statesmen of the South is in Washington laboring in their behalf. It is but reasonable to suppose that these men will fail to represent your interests. True they are honorable, high-minded men; men who would scorn to do a mean act; but they have known you as slaves and they are not willing to grant you equal rights. They are honest in the belief that it would not be for the interests of the State to grant you these rights I am aware that it will be a difficult task to overcome this prejudice. You will never do it if you 'lie supinely upon your backs and hug the delusive phantom of hope until your enemies have bound you hand and foot.' They will never respect you if you act as slaves now that you are free men. But if you manfully demand your rights, and struggle bravely to obtain them, you will be sussessful. True you will be stoutly opposed, and desperate efforts will be made to defeat you, but if you persist in the struggle you will be at length victorious.

I need not say that you should labor peaceably; that you should give no one an opportunity to point to acts of lawlessness committed by your race as an excuse for withholding equal rights. Your past good conduct is a guarntee that you will be law-abiding citizens in the future, unless driven to madness by acts of tyrany.

You must pay a tax to support a Government that denies to you representation; you can not prevent it if you would, and if you wish, to be represented you must tax yourselves. To enable you to do this you have formed an Association. I trust you will labor zealously to increse the membership of this As: sciation until it shall embrace the entire State, and until thousands are united, laboring to secure for every one, without regard to race or color, equal rights.

I desire to call your attention to the Loyal Georgian, and to the importance of sustaining it. You are aware that this paper was established by the Union League of August, and that the State Association decided to assume its publication and pay the debts contracted for the paper by the League, that you were directed to take charge of and publish it, that you placed it in the hands of a sub committee consisting of Houston of Savannah, Finch of Athens, Beard of Augusta, and myself. I was requested by this sub committee to take charge of and publish the paper.

I found that the debt assumed by the Association amounted to $370 and that there was no money in the Treasury. There was no Editor, and the foreman of the printing office, who had performed the duties of Editor and Publisher, was not a suitable man for the position. I therefore decided to discharge him, and employ Rev H F Edes as Editor, and Mr Lauder, as foreman in the office.

The receipts have not been sufficient to support the paper, and I have been obliged to borrow money for that purpose. I have thus


borrowed $541,08. I present herewith the financial report of the Agent, Mr Beard Becoming satisfied that unless a powerful effort was made by the friends of the paper, we should be obliged to suspend its publication, I decided to call a meeting of the council and lay the subject before it.

I have requested Captain C H Prince, Cashier of the Augusta Freedmen's Saving's Bank to assist Mr Thomas P Beard, as financial Agent, and he has consented to do so. Rev H M Turner was invited to assist Mr Edes in the editorial management of the paper. This was done to carry out a plan which I had matured and which I now submit to you It is to unite the white and colored friends of equal rights, thereby securing the benefit of their joint efforts

Mr Edes and Mr Turner are editors, one a white and one a colored man, Mr Prince and Mr Beard are financial Agents; one a white and one a colored man. You will fully understand the importance of this plan, when you consider the condition of your race; that it is deplorable, and that you are all laboring to secure justice for all. Although you are now free, citizens of the United S ates, yet you are deprived of most of the rights that are dear to freemen You are taxed to support the Government; you have no voice in that Government; railroad companies charge you the same fare that they do white passengers, yet you are obliged to ride in filthy cars where low white men smoke, swear, and insult your wives and daughters, although you may have wealth, and your wives and daughters may be educated and refined; public schools are closed against your children ; your wives and daughters are openly insulted; your people are frequently assaulted and killed Do you wish to have the rights of freemen ? Do you wish that your persons and property shall be fully protected? I know that you do The important question is, how will you secure these rights? I answer you must work, any you must have the assistance of all the friends of justice. White men gave you freedom, and that they will assist you to secure the blessings of liberty. My plan is therefore to unite your efforts with theirs, for they can exert an influence with men in authority at the North, while you can labor more effectually with your own people.

The Association, at its late session, elected a Vice President for each county, represented in the convention, with the exception of Bibb county. It was left to the friends of equal rights in that county to elect a Vice President. I present herewith a commuication from Moses Pollock and others stating that Lewis Smith of Macon, has been elected Vice-President of Bibb county. I also present to you a letter from W D Banks, of Macon, claiming that he is the legal Vice President of Bibb county, I submit the whole subject to you for your consideration.

I visited Savannah in February, for the purpose of assisting in organizing an Association in that city. I found that the friends were much divided, and, after laboring for more than a week, I was obliged to return without accomplishing my object.


I have received a communication from the Union League of Macon, asking that they may be allowed to unite with The Equal Rights Association, and retain their present organization and constitution. I would recommend that they be invited to unite with us, retaining their organization, providing they adopt the constitution of Subordinate Associations, with the privilege of retaining so much of their present constitution as does not conflict with the constitution of Subordinate Associations.

Associations have been organized in Bibb, Burke, Greene and Richmond counties. Associations have been formed in Richmond county, and one in each of the other counties mentioned. I have received from these Associations $320,90. I have expended $269,21 and now have on hand $51,69. I submit my books to you for inspection, and also the books of Mr Beard, general Agent. I would suggest that the funds belonging to the paper, be kept separate from those of the Association, and that Mr Beard be appointed Treasurer, with the understanding, that he shall give a bond for the faithful performance of his duty, and that he be instructed to deposit in the Freedmans Saving's Bank of Augusta, each week, the money remaining on hand.

It is your constitutional duty to decide in what sum the Treasurer of the State Association shall give a bond for the faithful performance of his duties. I would suggest that he be instructed to deposit all funds that may be intrusted to him, belonging to the Association, in the Freedmen s Saving's Bank of Augusta.

The most important business, that will come before you, will be to devise ways and means for sustaining the Loyal Georgian, the organ of our Association. I have with much difficulty sustained it thus far, and, unless you assist me in raising funds, we shall be obliged to suspend its publication. I have loaned money to the paper from the Treasury of the Association, and have borrowed money upon the credit of the Association. I was obliged to do this or suspend its publication. I ask that you will freely discuss this whole subject, and give me instructions, by which I shall in future be governed. In the absence of instructions, I have done what I considered for the good of the cause.

Gentlemen: I expect that much goodwill result from your deliberations. Important interests have been intrusted to you ; thousands of your people in this State look to you for advice; yours is a noble work, to assist in elevating your race, a race that has been oppressed for centuries But few of them are educated; but few have houses or lands; families have been separated and are to be united. Your work will be to encourage education ; to assist in uniting families, long separated, and in providing good homes for them; but the great work before you is to assist in educating your people and in securing for them equal rights. Northern friends are assisting you, and, I trust, the day is not far distant, when you will have Southern friends, who will unite in this great and good work. To enable you


to do this it is absolutely necessary that your paper be sustained. You can not estimate the amount of good that may be accomplished if it is sustained. If you love your race do not allow this paper to go down.

You are aware that there exists a strong and deep rooted prejudice against your race on the part of the American people. This is not surprising, when you consider that nearly all of your race, in this country, have been slaves, and that slaves have been despised in all ages, and that the race that is held in that condition is necessarily degraded. But when you remember that yours is not the only race that has been enslaved; that perhaps the ancestors of your late masters were slaves; that the Jews have in modern times been despised as much as you, and that these races have become powerful, wealthy and respected, you should take courage. Strive to overcome all difficulties. learn what is necessary to be done to elevate and improve your people, and then go forward, laboring earnestly, fearlessly and prudently to accomplish the great work you have undertaken, trusting in God who has already done so much for your people.

A few months since, we were told that you would not work, unless you were compelled to do so, but we always replied that you would work if fairly paid and kindly treated. The truth of this assertion has since been demonstrated As a people, it is now admitted that you are working faithfully, when you receive justice.

We have been told that 'Niggers' could not be educated; but it is a fact that has been demonstrated, not only that they can learn, but that they learn as rapidly as white children. We have the testimony of distinguished men to prove this; among others, that of General C H Howard, a young man of learning, and a teacher of experience. If more testimony is required, it can be obtained by visiting the colored schools of this or any other city in Georgia.

It is said that 'niggers' have no business to send a man to Washington to represent them ; that it will 'stir up bad blood ;' that 'white men will be offended' &c., &c. I know of no good reason why colored men have not, as good a right to be represented in Washington, as white men; and if 'bad blood' is stirred up and white men are foolish enough to be offended thereat, it can not be helped. If men were deterred from doing their duty because bad men get offended, there would be no reform in the world. Strive always to do right; be industrious; be temperate; be peaceable ; be good, law abiding citizens, but do all in your power to secure for your people equal rights. If men complain, say, gentlemen you complain because you are taxed, and representation is denied you; you complain because Congress refuses to recognize your State Government; you complain because your professions of loyalty are not believed; but you claim the right of taxing us without giving us representation; you refuse to recognize our right to citizenship, yet you must admit that we were always loyal and obedient to laws that were oppressive, and, now if you will allow 'bad blood' to be stirred up, and will be offended, because we


are laboring to improve our people, we can not help it, but we do not propose to cease our efforts on that account We will prove to you by our acts that we are laboring as earnestly as yourselves to promote the interests of our State, and, now that we are citizens, we have quite as good a right to our opinions as you have to your own.

You predicted that we would rise in insurrection, but we did not; you predicted that we would not work unless, compelled so to do; but we do work without compulsion. Your predictions have not been fulfilled. Allow us to labor as we propose, and we will convince you, not only that, we will do no injury to the State, but that we will, by improving our people, greatly promote its interest.

The following committee on Credentals was appointed—Thomas P Beard of Richmond, E C Powell of Greene, and Wm Harris of Warren.

They subsequently returned and presented the following report which was received and adopted.

We, the committee on Credentals, beg leave to report that the credentials of Lewis Smith, claiming to have been elected Vice President of Bibb county, were presented to us. After a careful investigation of the case of Mr Smith, we find that at the late meeting of the Equal Rights Convention, Vice Presidents were elected from each county represented in the convention excepting Bibb county. The convention being unable to decide who should be elected from that county, voted that the friends of equal rights in Bibb county be requested to elect a Vice President for that county. We farther find that Lewis Smith, chairman of the delegation to the convention, did after his return to Bibb county, issue printed notices to the colored citizens of that county, calling upon them to hold an election for Vice President; the notice being issued nine days before the election; and, that at the election, Mr Smith was elected by one thousand and seven majority. We therefore decide that he is, entitled to be sworn into office as Vice President of Bibb county.




Mr Smith then took the oath of office.

Voted that S Hyram of Elbert county, and W S W Sherman of Dougherty, be invited to represent their counties; and that A Colby of Greene county be invited to represent Taliaferro county; and that they have the privileges of other members, except that of voting

Voted that Smith of Bibb, Nelson of Wilkes, and Harris of Warren, be a committee to audit the accounts of the President and Financial Agent.

Voted to elect a delegate to congress. The President nominated Rev H M Turner, who was unanimously elected.


On motion to this effect, voted that the council approve the plan recommended by the President of employing two editors, one white and one colored man; also, white and colored Financial Agents.

Voted to appoint a committee of three to report upon the salaries of editors and financial agents. Smith of Bibb. McAlester of Morgan, and Powell of Greensboro were appointed.

Voted to adjourn at half past three, p. m.


The meeting being called to order, the committee on Salaries reported that they did not think it best to fix the salaries at this meeting of the council. Voted to receive and adopt the report.

On motion, voted that the President be permitted, with the advice of the financial agents and committee, to loan to the officers of the Association and council, and those connected with the paper, such sums of money as he may think advisable.

On motion, voted to reconsider the vote adopting the report of the committee on Salaries.

On motion, voted that the report be returned to the committee with instructions to consult with the financial agents and report again.

On motion, voted that Mr Thomas P Beard be the Treasurer for the Loyal Georgian; that he give a bond in the sum of five hundred dollars for the faithful performance of his duties; and that he deposit each week in the Freedmen s Saving's Bank, of Augusta, all money iu his hands belonging to the paper.

On motion, voted that when ten or more copies of the paper are sent to one address they shall be furnished for $2 50 per copy, for one year; and if more than fifty copies are sent to one address they shall be furnished for $2 00 per copy.

Lewis Smith, Vice President of Bibb county, informed the council that the Union League of Macon desired to join the Equal Rights Association, and retain their present organization and constitution.

On motion of Nelson of Wilkes county, voted that the Union League of Macon be invited to unite with the Equal Rights Association, retaining their organization, providing they adopt the constitution of the Subordinate Associations,

On motion, voted that the Union League of Savannah be invited to join the Equal Bights Association upon the same? condition as the Union League of Macon is invited to join.

On motion, voted that a committee of two be instructed to proceed to Savannah with the President, and to endeavor to persuade the friends of equal rights in that city to unite with the Equal Rights Association, in the great and important work it has undertaken. The President appointed Beard of Richmond, and Powell of Greene.

On motion, voted that if the subscription and donations to the


Loyal Georgian are not sufficient to sustain it, the President be authorized to loan to the Treasurer of the paper, money from the Treasury of the State Association, and, if it is necessary, that he may borrow on the credit of the Association, and that the notes be signed by the President and Secretary of the council.

On motion of Colby of Taliaferro, voted that the Treasurer of the Equal Rights Association give to the President a bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars for the faithful performance of his duty, and that he deposit all money in his hands belonging to the Association in the Freedmen's Savings Bank of Augusta.


The meeting was called to order and prayer offered by Finch of Athens. Yesterday's minutes were read, corrected and approved.

The President introduced to the council. Rey William Finch, of Athens, Vice Tresicent of Clark county.

On motion, voted that Philip Randal of Jasper, and Hall Bolden of Oglethorp counties, be invited to represent their counties in the council.

On motion of Powell of Greene county, voted to divide the State into districts for the purpose of organizing associations in the counties.

Voted that the District of Atlanta comprise all the counties in the vicinity of Fulton, not in either of the other districts; that the district of Athens comprise the following counties—Jackson, Madison, Hall, Banks, Clarke, Lumpkin, Union, Towns, Raban, White, Habersham, Franklin.

On motion, voted that the district of Marietta comprise the following counties—Cobb, Spaulding, Floyd, Cass, Cherokee, Gordon, Chattooga, Walker, Whitfield, Murray, Dade, Catoosa and Polk.

On motion of Finch of Clarke, voted that the district of Washington comprise the following counties—Wilkes, Elbert Hart, Lincoln, and Oglethorp.

On motion of Nelson of Wilkes, voted that the district of Greensboro comprise the following counties—Greene, Taliaferro, Hancock, Washington and Putnam,

On motion of Colby of Talirferro, voted that the district of Wars renton comprise the following counties—Warren, Glascock, Jefferson, and Columbia.

On motion of Nelson of Wilkes, voted that the district of Augusta comprise the following counties—Richmond, Burke, Scriven, Bullock, Emanuel, Tatnal.

On motion of Smith of Bibb, voted that the district of Savannah comprise the following counties—Chatham, Effingham, Bryan, Liberty, McIntosh Glynn, Wayne, Camden, and Thomas.

On motion of Beard of Richmond, voted that the district of Macon comprise the following counties—Bibb, Jones,' Baldwin,


Wilkinson, Twiggs Monroe, Butts, Spaulding, Pike, Upson Crawford, Taylor, Houston, Macon, and Sumter.

On motion of Powell of Greene, voted that the district of Columbus comprise the following counties--Muscogee, Harris, Meriwether, Talbot, Marion, Chattahoochee, Stewart, Quitman, Clay, Randolph, Early, and Decatur.

On motion of Finch of Clark, voted that the district of Albany comprise the following counties—Dougherty, Lee, Worth, Terell, Calhoun, Baker, Mitchell, and Miller.

On motion of Colby of Taliaferro, voted that the district of Madison comprise the following counties—Morgan, Newton, Walton, and Jasper.

On motion of Finch of Athens, voted that the President be authorited to appoint Deputy Presidents for each of the districts.

The following persons were appointed :

Marieta District H W Strickland, Deputy President.

Athens district, illiam Finch, Deputy President

Warrenton district, Wm Harris Deputy President.

Madison district, S McAlester Deputy President.

Greensboro district, E C Powell, Deputy President.

Washington district, H M Nelson, Deputy President,

Macon district, Lewis Smith, Deputy President.

Atlanta district, Frank Quarles, Deputy President.

Columbus district, Thos Rhodes, Deputy President.

Augusta district, Thos P Beard, Deputy President.

Savannah district, U L Houston, Deputy President.

On motion of Harris of Warren, voted that the President be authorized to appoint Lewis Smith of Bibb county, Deputy President of Albany district with authority to appoint an acting Deputy President to assist him in that district.

On motion of Finch of Athens, voted that a committee of three be appointed on Resolutions. The President appointed Finch of Clarke, Beard of Richmond, Smith of Bibb.

Voted to adjourn to three p. m.


The council was called to order at 3 p. m., by the President.

The Secretary being absent, on motion of Finch of Clarke, voted that T P Beard of Richmond, act as Secretary pro tem.

The committee on Salaries reported through Mr Smith of Bibb that the salaries of the financial Agents be twenty five dollars per week.


L Smith,

E C Powell.

S McAlester.


On motion of Harris of Warren, the report was received and adopted

On motion of Finch of Athens, voted that a financial report be made monthly, signed by the financial committee and T P Beard as Agent and Treasurer and forwarded to each Vice President

On motion of Powell of Green, voted that in organizing Association each Deputy President act as he thinks the good of the cause requires.

On motion of Nelson of Wilkes, voted that the Vice President of each county be advised to assist the colored people before the Freedman's Bureau, and charge them a fee for their services.

On motion of Smith of Bibb voted that each Deputy-President receive compensation for actual expenses in organizing Associations in his district.

On motion of Colby of Talifero, voted that the committee appointed to proceed to Savannah shall receive compensation for actual expenses incurred in attending to their duties.

On motion of Smith of Bibb, voted that the Treasurer be instructed to pay out money from the Treasury upon all orders signed by the President and Secretary of the council and none others.

The committee of Resolutions, through their Chairman, Mr. Finch, presented the following resolutions:

Resolved, That the results which have thus far followed emancipation, have been such as to encourage us in the use of any means where by the further progress of our race may be promoted.

Resolved, That our special gratitude is due to those who have been laboring among us in behalf of the cause of education ; and that we rec gnize our duty to do all that we can to manifest our appreciation of their labors, not only by giving our children the opportunities which are thus affordable to them, but by improving them ourselves, and encouraging others to do the same.

Resolved, That among the instrumentalities now employed in our behalf, the Press holds a prominent place ; that it is cause for deep rejoicing that so many ably conducted newspapers have already established in the interests of the colored man ; that we are glad that our own State has such an organ in the Loyal Georgian ; and that we feel bound to put forth every effort to increase its circulation ; inasmuch as its discontinuance, through the neglect of such effort, would prove a serious prejudice to our cause.

Resolved, That while we do all we can, both by precept and example, to encourage education, industry, and obedience to wholesome law among our people, as the best means of securing rights and privileges now withheld, we will at the same time, avail ourselves of all the means, such as organization, petitioning, sending a delegate to congress, &c., whereby our condition and claims as a people may be kept before the country and its rulers.

Resolved, That as citizens of the United States, invested with


the rights of person and property appertaining thereto, and subject to the correlative burden of taxation, we have also the reciprocal right of representation ; for which it is our duty respectfully, but earnestly and perseveringly to plead until it is granted us.

Resolved, That in regard to the franchise, we will never cease to protest against all partial legislation based on color, or race, or other adventitious distinctions, as unjust and wrong ; at the same time that we are ready to acquiesce in any reasonable conditions regulating this subject, which bear impartially on all citizens.

Resolved, That we have, and rejoiced to have, in the prevailing public sentiment of the country, as manifested both in words and acts, also in the opinion and acts of congress, a guarantee, that whatever may be the policy and course of the President of the United States, our cause is in good hands, and must ultimately triumph.


William Finch.

L Smith.

Thos P Beard.

On motion of Nelson, of Wilks, voted that the report be received and that the resolutions be laid upon the table for the present

On motion voted that the council adjourn until half-past eight this evening.


The council was called to order at half past eight ; the President in the chair.

On motion of Powell of Greene, voted that each Vice President report weekly, the amount be collects, deducting actual expenses, and that he forward the amount to Captain C H Prince ; also that an account be kept on file, in the office of the Treasurer of the paper, with each Vice-President.

On motion of Nelson of Wilkes, voted that the friends of equal rights in those counties that have no Vice-President, be invited to elect one under the direction of the Deputy President of the District.

On motion of Harris of Warren, voted that the proceedings of this council be printed in pamphlet form and that a committee be appointed to revise the minutes for publication. The President appointed R T Kent, and T P Beard, said committee.

On motion of Smith of Bibb, voted that all Leagues or other organizations that have been formed in this State for the purpose of assisting the colored citizens to secure equal rights, and that have not connected themselves with the Equal Rights Association, be insvited? to do so upon the same terms that the Union League of Macon was invited to join.

On motion, voted that when this council adjourn, it adjourn to


meet in this city on the second Wednesday of July next at 10 a m.

The President then made the following remarks:

Gentlemen of the Council:

You are now about to return to your homes, after two days spent in discussing matters of great importance to your people.

You have undertaken a great and noble work, to elevate and improve your race, and secure for them all the rights and privileges that other citizens enjoy. Do not suppose that this is an easy task that you have undertaken. Do not suppose that you will be immediately successful. You must expect to be opposed by powerful influences, but remember that God is just, that He will assist you if you labor for the right, and that with His assistance, you will overcome all opposition. Strive to induce your people to be industrious always, to be peacable, but above all, to educate themselves and their children.

Do all you can to sustain your organ, The Loyal Georgian. It is the only paper in Georgia that advocates your cause. It would be of incalculable injury to you as a race, if you should now allow it to be suspended.

Labor with zeal to organize Associations in your Districts. It is of the utmost importance that your people should be united as soon as possible. These are to you golden moments, and, if you allow them to pass unimproved, you may never have another opportunity to accomplish what you may now accomplish if you make the proper effort.

On motion of Finch, of Athens, the council adjourned.

The following counties were represented in the council:

Richmond, by T P Beard; Bibb, by Lewis Smith; Greene, by E C Powell; Wilkes, by Henry Nelson; Clarke, by William Finch; Morgan, by S McAlester ; Warren, by William Harris ; Dougherty, W S W Sherman ; Burke, by Simon Hankerson; Jasper, by Phillip Randal; Oglethorpe, by Hall Bolden ; Taliaferro, by A Colby; Elbert, by S Hirams.

A true copy of minutes.

J. E. BRYANT, President.

Robert T. Kent, Secretary of Council.





A Weekly Journal devoted to the maintenance of EQUAL RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES of all men irrespective of color or race.


One Year. . . . $3 00

Six Months . . 1 75


will be inserted at the following rates : OME square of TEN lines, $1 00, for the first insertion ; 50cts for each additional insertion.

Office corner of Jackson and Ellis Sts., rear of Globe Hotel.




Every Man, Woman and Child should put their money for





Freedmen's Savings Bank,



Deposits of One Dollar and upwards, received every day, from 12,30 to 3.30 P M.

These Deposits can be drawn out whenever the Depositor chooses.

This SAVINGS BANK is a Branch of the National Freedman's Savings and Trust Company chartered by Act of Congress, March 3d, 1865, and approved by the late President, Abraham Lincoln.

C. H. PRINCE, Cashier.

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Georgia Equal Rights Association (1866 : Augusta, GA), “Proceedings of the Council of the Georgia Equal Rights Association. Assembled at Augusta, Ga. April 4th, 1866. Containing the Address of the President, Captain J. E. Bryant, and Resolutions Adopted by the Council.,” Colored Conventions Project Digital Records, accessed July 16, 2024,