1853.ON-06.16.AMER | 1853 | Minutes and proceedings of the General Convention for the Improvement of the Colored Inhabitants of Canada, held by adjournments in Amhrstburgh [sic], C.W., June 16th and 17th, 1853. | Facsimile | Canadian | Amherstburgh, ON | Canadian |
Identifier:1853.ON-06.16.AMER Date:1853 Type:Facsimile Subject:National Convention |
Description:Pamphlet (24 p. ; 24 cm.)
1858.ON-05.08.CHAT | 1858 | Minutes from the Harper's Ferry Convention at Chatham, Canada West, 1858, p. 10 | Facsimile | Canadian | Chatham, ON | Canadian |
Identifier:1858.ON-05.08.CHAT Date:1858 Type:Facsimile Subject:Canadian National Convention |
Description:Article (11 p.)
1851.ON-09.11.TORO | 1851 | Proceedings for the North American Convention held in Toronto, Canada, 1851 | Facsimile | Canadian | Toronto, ON | Canadian |
Identifier:1851.ON-09.11.TORO Date:1851 Type:Facsimile Subject:North American Convention |
1847.ON-08.01.DRUM | 1847 | Report of the Convention of the Colored Population, Held at Drummondville, Aug, 1847. | Facsimile | Canadian | Drummondville, ON | Canadian |
Identifier:1847.ON-08.01.DRUM Date:1847 Type:Facsimile Subject:Canadian National Convention |
Description:Pamphlet (16 p.)
1861, First Annual Meeting of the Colored Teachers' Association, Held At Springfield, Ohio, Dec. 25, 26 & 27, '61. | 1861 | 1861, First Annual Meeting of the Colored Teachers' Association, Held At Springfield, Ohio, Dec. 25, 26 & 27, '61. | | state | | Midwest |
Date:1861 Subject:colored teachers, colored education, Ohio |
Description:Transactions of the First Annual Meeting of the Colored Teachers' Association, Held At Springfield, Ohio, Dec. 25, 26 & 27, '61.
1844.OH-09.18.COLU | 1844 | Address of the State Convention of the Colored Citizens of Ohio | Facsimile | State | Columbus, OH | Midwest |
Identifier:1844.OH-09.18.COLU Date:1844 Type:Facsimile Subject:State Convention |
Description:News Article
1851.OH-01.15.COLU-b | 1851 | Address to the Constitutional Convention of Ohio from the State Convention of Colored Men Held in the City of Columbus, January 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th, 1851. | Facsimile | State | Columbus, OH | Midwest |
Identifier:1851.OH-01.15.COLU-b Date:1851 Type:Facsimile Subject:State Convention |
Description:Pamphlet (8 p. ; 20 cm.)
1871.MO-09.22.STLO | 1871 | Call to the Colored People of the United States | n/a | National | St. Louis, MO | Midwest |
Identifier:1871.MO-09.22.STLO Date:1871 Type:n/a |
Civil Rights. Address of the Colored Citizens of Chicago to The Congress of the United States. | 1866 | Civil Rights. Address of the Colored Citizens of Chicago to The Congress of the United States. | Facsimile | State | Chicago, IL | Midwest |
Date:1866 Type:Facsimile Subject:Address to Congress. |
Description:Pamphlet (8 p. ; 23 cm.)
1871.MO-09.22.STLO | 1871 | Colored National Convention | Facsimile | National | St. Louis, MO | Midwest |
Identifier:1871.MO-09.22.STLO Date:1871 Type:Facsimile Subject:National Convention |
1875.OH-08.04.CINC | 1875 | Convention of Colored Newspaper Men Cincinnati, August 4th, 1875, Wednesday A. M. | Facsimile | Labor | Cincinnati, OH | Midwest |
Identifier:1875.OH-08.04.CINC Date:1875 Type:Facsimile Subject:Labor Convention |
Description:Pamphlet (8 p. ; 21 cm.)
1854.OH-08.24.CLEV | 1854 | Memorial of John Mercer Langston for Colored People of Ohio to General Assembly of the State of Ohio | Transcript | State | Cleveland, OH | Midwest |
Identifier:1854.OH-08.24.CLEV Date:1854 Type:Transcript Subject:State Convention |
1849.OH-01.10.COLU | 1849 | Minutes and address of the State Convention of the Colored Citizens of Ohio, convened at Columbus, January 10th, 11th, 12th, & 13th, 1849. | Transcript | State | Columbus, OH | Midwest |
Identifier:1849.OH-01.10.COLU Date:1849 Type:Transcript Subject:State Convention |
Description:Pamphlet (28 p. ; 23 cm.)
Minutes of the Second Convention of the National Association of Colored Women : held at Quinn Chapel, 24th Street and Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill., August 14th, 15th, and 16th, 1899. | 1899 | Minutes of the Second Convention of the National Association of Colored Women : held at Quinn Chapel, 24th Street and Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill., August 14th, 15th, and 16th, 1899. | Forthcoming | National | | Midwest |
Date:1899 Type:Forthcoming |
1850.OH-01.09.COLU | 1850 | Minutes of the State Convention of the Colored Citizens of Ohio, Convened at Columbus, January 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th, 1850. | Transcript | State | Columbus, OH | Midwest |
Identifier:1850.OH-01.09.COLU Date:1850 Type:Transcript Subject:State Convention |
Description:Pamphlet (22 p. ; 23 cm.)
1843.MI-10.26.DETR | 1843 | Minutes of the State Convention, of the Colored Citizens of the State of Michigan, Held in the City of Detroit on the 26th and 27th of October, 1843 for the Purpose of Considering Their Moral & Political Condition, as Citizens of the State. | Transcript | State | Detroit, MI | Midwest |
Identifier:1843.MI-10.26.DETR Date:1843 Type:Transcript Subject:State Convention |
Description:Pamphlet (24 p. ; 19 cm.)
1853.OH-01.19.COLU | 1853 | Official proceedings of the Ohio State Convention of Colored Freemen : held in Columbus, January 19th-21st, 1853. | Facsimile | State | Columbus, OH | Midwest |
Identifier:1853.OH-01.19.COLU Date:1853 Type:Facsimile Subject:State Convention |
Description:Pamphlet (8 p. ; 23 cm.)
1866.KS-10.17.LAWR | 1866 | Proceedings of a Convention of Colored Citizens: Held in the City of Lawrence, October 17, 1866 | n/a | State | Lawrence, KS | Midwest |
Identifier:1866.KS-10.17.LAWR Date:1866 Type:n/a Subject:State Convention |
Description:Pamphlet (8 p. ; 21 cm.)
1858.OH-11.23.CINC | 1858 | Proceedings of a Convention of the Colored Men of Ohio, Held in the City of Cincinnati, on the 23d, 24th, 25th and 26th days of November, 1858. | Transcript | State | Cincinnati, OH | Midwest |
Identifier:1858.OH-11.23.CINC Date:1858 Type:Transcript Subject:State Convention |
Description:Pamphlet (26 p. ; 24 cm.)
1865.OH-01.10.XENI | 1865 | Proceedings of a Convention of the Colored Men of Ohio, held in Xenia, on the 10th, 11th and 12th days of January, 1865 : with the Constitution of Ohio Equal Rights League. | Transcript | State | Xenia, OH | Midwest |
Identifier:1865.OH-01.10.XENI Date:1865 Type:Transcript Subject:State Convention |
Description:Pamphlet (20 p. ; 22 cm.)
1863.KS-10.13.LEAV | 1863 | Proceedings of the Colored Convention of the State of Kansas, Held at Leavenworth, October 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th, 1863 | Transcript | State | Leavenworth, KS | Midwest |
Identifier:1863.KS-10.13.LEAV Date:1863 Type:Transcript Subject:State Convention |
Description:Pamphlet (13 p. ; 21 cm.)
1865.MI-09.12.DETR | 1865 | Proceedings of the Colored Men's Convention of the State of Michigan, Held in the City of Detroit ,Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 12th and 13th, '65, with Accompanying Documents. Also, the Constitution of the Equal Rights League of the State of Michigan. | Facsimile | State | Detroit, MI | Midwest |
Identifier:1865.MI-09.12.DETR Date:1865 Type:Facsimile Subject:State Convention |
Description:Pamphlet (23 p.)
1870.MO-01.01.JEFF | 1870 | Proceedings of the Colored People's Educational Convention held in Jefferson City, Missouri, January , 1870. | Facsimile | State | Jefferson City, MO | Midwest |
Identifier:1870.MO-01.01.JEFF Date:1870 Type:Facsimile |
Description:Pamphlet (35 p. ; 23 cm.)
1885.KY-11.26.LEXI | 1885 | Proceedings of the Colored State Convention assembled in St. Paul's A. M. E. Church, Lexington, Ky., November 26. | Facsimile | State | Lexington, KY | Midwest |
Identifier:1885.KY-11.26.LEXI Date:1885 Type:Facsimile Subject:State Convention |
Description:Pamphlet (26 p.)
1869.MN-01.01.STPA | 1869 | Proceedings of the Convention of Colored Citizens of the State of Minnesota in Celebration of the Anniversary of Emancipation and the Reception of the Electoral Franchise: on the First of January, 1869 | Facsimile | State | St Paul, MN | Midwest |
Identifier:1869.MN-01.01.STPA Date:1869 Type:Facsimile Subject:State Convention |
Description:Pamphlet (31 p. ; 23 cm.)